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Have fun, make something awesome and reduce your carbon footprint by learning to upcycle your old jeans.


In this on-demand class, Radha will walk you through every step, sharing years of industry experience and a medium amount of silliness in a judgement-free zone. She will share her methods, but also give you permission to experiment. Because lesson #1 is: there is no right way to upcycle! It’s just awesome that you are trying.


This on-demand upcycling and quilting class will show you how to:

1. Deconstruct your jeans into useable shapes (while you learn all about denim)
2. Turn those usable shapes into 3 different mini quilt designs (with quilting!)
3. Finish those mini quilts in 3 different ways to use around your home or as the perfect sustainable gift.


This class includes lifetime access to 2+ hours of video tutorials plus a reference guide with all the diagrams and key steps that you can use to follow-along or take notes.


After purchasing you will immediately get access to the guide which will have a link to the videos and a password to access those videos.

Quilt Your Jeans - The Class

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